Wednesday 26 October 2011

How does Calvin Klein represent males in the advert? Are they objectified or sexually empowered?

Throughout the media, women and men are portrayed in different ways according to the ‘male gaze’ theory and to how this appears to the audience its shwon to. Women are often portrayed as innocent but sexual objects who are dependant on men, where as the men are portrayed as stronge, dependant and the more dominant figures.
            In this advert, the male model is featured at a mid shot, positioned slightly to the right of the shot and takes up the whole shot. Firstly the attention from the viewer is to the models Abs,as they are in the center of the picture and eyes are drawn mostly to that area. Then eyes are usualy drawn down to which is where to product is, although this advert is aimed for men they may find this uncomfortable and would not like to be caught looking further down. The logo and text is also places slightly of center where the attention is first drawn to so we notice the brand and we know straight away that it is an underwear advert if it wasnt already obvious. Having the logo and text where attention is drawn is important because it puts a name on the advert so it will be remebered and it also sells the brand which is intended.

The model is a fit, strong, attractive and powerful man which will be insperational to many men. Having a well toned and muscled man as the face of the advert is imporant to sell the brand because men will aspire to be like him and will believe that if they have that underwear they migh have a chance of looking half as good as Freddie Ljungberg. The expectation of a stronge and powerful man is also shown through his muscles but the tattoo too. Although everyday normal men can relate as the product is simple and sophisticated which is shown through the colour, black.

Freddie Ljungberg is posing in a seductive shot; his eyes are less wide then usual, no emotion is on the face, just a stare straight into the camrea, lips are slightly pouted. He isnt clean shaved, so he has a rouged, bad boy look to him, he is also shown slightly sweaty or wet looking - this also will attract the other gender, females, as they will find his face and body on show comined attractive and will then want their partners to have some Calvin Klein underwear like in the advertisement to just think that their partner could look or could be wearing something similar to he attractive man in the shot.

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